Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week of May 13-May 17

Important dates this week:

Monday, May 13th:

Last day of swimming--Remember if you would like to go watch your child, you can meet them at the Aquatic center.
2nd MAP reading test--Make sure you review your child's goal with them and encourage them to take their time and reread every question! (If your child improves on their MAP score from winter, they will get to do a celebration with the class!)

Tuesday, May 14th:

Field Trip to the Cam-plex--We are leaving from 11:00-12:30 for the Wyoming Reads event. This is an even first grade attends every year. The students will listen to someone from the community read aloud some of their favorite stories and they will get their own book to keep at home. We do not need parent volunteers for this event. Thank you :)

Wednesday, May 15th:

Early Release: Please make sure your child knows what their dismissal plan is (riding bus, pick up, etc.) If it is different than normal, please send a note and let the school know!

Friday, May 17th:

1st MAP math test: 9:00-10:10
All box tops will be turned in

Spelling words: 

hook, good, book, took, look, hood, cook, wood, Earth, bear, town, mouth

Vocabulary words:

Bear, birds, Earth, table

Later this week I plan on posting pictures from their swimming last week. Also, I will post pictures of Miss Farrell's surprise celebration we had. Be on the look out!! 

Mrs. Davis